Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Da Vinci Code

Just watched the most controversial movie of the year "Da Vinci Code" last night. Actually I am surprised to see most people and papers rate this film "C-"! After watching it, I think it deserves an "A" or at least "B+". In fact I am thinking that those who give a low rating to this movie are people who are already "pre-judgmental" and bias of this film. They think that this movie is somehow "degrading" the Christianity as a whole, and also twisting the facts from what is documented in the holy bible. Well, it's just fiction, folks! I always think that if people are to be so naive in differentiating fiction from facts, then these people can't be the leaders of the future. These people are not firm in their teachings and faith. They need to re-read the whole bible! ;) There are even blogs which I read, about people condemning Tom Hanks for acting in this movie, aiyoh... c'mon lah, guys, be more sensible a bit! Come back to the real world!

I salute Dan Brown, not only because he writes great novels, but also he makes people believe that his fictional world and thoughts, are "facts" to many people -- causing unnecessary turmoils! Goodness gracious! Gullible humans! ;)

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