Thursday, March 22, 2007

Viagra For Ancestors

Cheng Beng (tombsweeping festival) is near.

Read this piece of news in The Star today, and thought that some people are really innovative in the money making business nowadays! Imagine viagra (in paper replica form) to be burnt for the deceased ancestors during the Cheng Beng festival, as a wish for satisfying their sex after-life! :) They even sell images of condoms and heavily made-up bar girls.... The usual items the chinese have been burning for their ancestors are things like cars, handphones, pagers, paper money, houses, maids, diamond rings ...etc.

And I wonder if there is any one ever tried burning images of doctors, lawyers and bodyguards for their ancestors; lest they fall sick, need legal advice and extra protection by Gurkha bodyguards (bcoz having big cars, big house and big money, can risk being kidnapped or robbed!)

Having said all that (well, it was just a joke anyway, whatever I said above), becoz of multi-racial and multi-religion in this country, hence there is multi-beliefs from every ethnic and society member. We cannot therefore say this practice is right or wrong; neither can we judge other people's belief using our own perspective or religious belief. I hate people who condemn other people's belief, no matter how weird or funny the practice is.

Everyone has his or her right to believe in whatever, so long as not harming the harmony of the society and that of the world.

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