Wednesday, March 14, 2007

KKM Search For Doc

I came across the KKM new website today, and am surprised to find out that there is a search function, which my name could be found on their database! I tried a few more names of my friends, and my wife... all are in their database. And that they are also providing the email add for the doctors of KKM, ending with

So is your name in there too?


Unknown said...

yes, my name is there.
But the KKM does not have every doctor name.

sbanboy said...

I cant find my name ....

spinosum said...

I realise one thing:
ONLY if ur hospital is using tele-medicine (like my hospital is in the pilot project of telePrimary Care), then ur name will be in the database!

Kavalera Hexalera said...

Hi Doc.. I found your blog from the site.. very frustrating for me after reading the comment and the posting there regarding KKM new system. The system is called WebCube and it was developed 100% by anak Malaysia using the open source technology. It was implemented to replace KKM mailing system which previously cost KKM a very very very large amount of tax payers money to Microsoft every year just for licensing. Smart moves by KKM, put their trust in local product, with the price of below government standard quotation level (not tender bidding level) all the health practitioners nationwide benefits more than just email account. And that is ONE-TIME-PAYMENT..

At least a pat on our shoulder will do for us to gain our spirit. So that we will survive one more day to help our nation to become technology independent.

thanks Doc for your space..