I was reading DocFiles today and saw this interesting device called Veinlite. It is essentially a powerful LED transilluminator, useful in finding veins in children and old people. Sometimes in the middle of the night, I get calls from the ward nurses "Doktor... line bumped sudah, tak dapat set-lah, u boleh tolong-ah?!" And with my squint eyes, I really find it difficult at times to get another peripheral venous access. So I am really interested to know more about this gadget! Perhaps the next time, I can boast to those nurses "Set line? Haha... BOLEH... senang aje!" ;)
I hate to set branula on paediatrics.. worse still on neonates :P
I don't mind doing this during the day time, but when in the middle of the nights, it is really tedious... sleepy and diplopia! ;)
I remember everytime have to set line in Paeds ICU ... all of us of crowd around the tiny baby ... consultants, specialists and lowly medical officers will all be bumping into each other just to find an IV access .. :D
Wah that device will help alot
hehe, the struggling babies or children :D I remember once there are 5 of us (adults) have to hold still a fretful & agitated boy to set lines.. that was a big kid. Sedation doesn't really work for him :P
Ya I love setting lines in neonates...love wrapping them up tight and going for those little veins! Too bad this costs 25K
A strong red/orenge LED can get the effect on a paeds too..
Hi spinosum. Have added ur blog to my link. Have a nice day.
Hi LT, I can't seem to access ur blog page? And btw, what do u mean by "A strong red/orenge LED can get the effect on a paeds too.." ? Care to elaborate more?
hi, my blog page should b ok. (palmoanest.blogspot.com)
I think basicaly deoxy-Hb absorb red light and not oxyHb, so a strong red LED should be able to give the same effect especially on chidren.
I tried with my LED torch and it does produce the effect.
Hi Palmoanest... it's you! I have been reading ur blog all these while too! Nice blog u have there. Anyway, which LED torch are u using? The specific red colored LED? Or just normal pen torch? This really interest me!! ;)
spinosum, thanks.
It's the bright orange colour LED (a gift from ventilator supplier). Normal pen torch not bright enough.
Could u possibly show me the picture of it? Or perhaps the brand? I am realy interested to know! Or send me the photo thru email: spinosum at gmail dot com. Thanks! ;)
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